CIASP’s tools and resources can be used to help integrate suicide prevention into your company’s culture as a safety and health priority. View and download all our Suicide Prevention Resources below.

Look out for weekly eblasts with previews for the coming week’s activities.

Join our mailing list to stay up to date.

Like, share, and engage with us on social media! We want to see what resources you are using and how you promote suicide prevention in your organization. Tag us and use the hashtag #SeptemberSTANDup.

Use the toolbox talks  below throughout the month as a conversation starter with your team.

Make a donation
Help spread awareness and provide important resources about suicide prevention and mental health to save lives throughout the industry.

Take the Pledge to Stand Up

 STAND Up for suicide prevention and address it as a health and safety priority by creating safe cultures, providing training to identify and help those at risk, raising awareness about the suicide crisis in construction, normalizing conversations around suicide and mental health, and ultimately decreasing the risks associated with suicide in construction. Click here to get started.


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needs analysis

needs analysis

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